Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool

The Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool is a simple utility tool that easily defines the gateway’s listening endpoint and the Cobra Web Service endpoints.

The Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool user interface is described in the following table.

Field Description
Gateway Endpoint group box This group box displays the address of the gateway’s listening endpoint.
  • Host: This field displays the host name of the gateway’s listening endpoint, which is usually the machine name.
  • Port: This field displays the port of the gateway’s listening endpoint.
  • Address: This field displays the address of the gateway’s listening endpoint to which the PM Compass Process Server must connect.
Cobra Web Service Endpoints grid This grid displays the different Cobra Web Service endpoints to which the gateway will connect.
  • Name: This field displays the unique name of each endpoint.
  • Address: This field displays the addresses of each endpoint.
  • UPN: If the Cobra Web Service is located on a remote machine which runs on the Windows Domain Account that does not have access to the Service Principal Name (SPN), use this field to specify the User Principal Name (UPN) of the running Windows domain account. This will be the Identity of each remote Cobra Web Service.
Save Click this button to update the gateway’s application configuration file to reflect the gateway endpoint and the Cobra Web Service endpoints from this tool.
Close Click this button to close the tool.

Cobra Web Service Gateway Configuration Tool